OPENING EVENT: September 8, 2023 | 5 - 9 PM
Alonzo Davis’ Sky Ladders y Mariposas hangs in suspended animation inviting viewers to imagine ascending to another realm. The constellation of ladders seems to suggest that there may be many paths a traveler can take. The journey might not always be continuous and evenly paced, but the endeavor offers the opportunity for transformation and freedom.
Alonzo Davis’ multi-disciplinary career spans six decades. He creates collage, sculpture, and murals often from repurposed materials. Recurring images of boats, maps, paths, doorways, horizon lines, and mysterious portals… suggest that he is an explorer. Davis’ travels to the Southwest re-ignited his interest in the ladder form. “Sky Ladders” are a metaphor for his “goal-oriented approach to life”. When he strives to achieve his goals and has finally “crested the mountain”, he discovers that more climbing awaits.
Curated by Erica Loustau, Adjunct Deputy for Design Integration