Alonzo Davis: The Blanket Series at Parrasch Heijnen Gallery

 November 12 - December 17, 2022

Artist Reception: November 12, 2022 5-7PM

1326 S. Boyle Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90023

The Artist Will Be There Virtually From Maryland

“The Blanket Series (c. 1970s - 1990s) follows Davis’ evolving process of weaving painted strips of paper and canvas. The expressive hanging forms represent shrouds of protection, spirit catchers and artifacts of communal belonging. Every piece is composed of exposed layers, allowing the work’s own history to appear in its final form. Each emotionally vibrant stroke or mark is highly visible, almost ingrained into the medium as a second skin.

In “Crescent Moon Over Memphis” (1993), Davis imbues graphic symbolism with painterly nuance, weaving together acrylic on paper strips in a fibrous interplay of primary and pastel colors. A segmented diagonal form divides the picture plane, disrupting the light, iridescent border. This gesture of energy accentuates the artist’s use of a red cross, crescent moon, star, and pointing arrow. The composition suggests textile traditions yet finds its own narrative through Davis’ lexicon of symbols. “

Alonzo Davis

Blanket Series ( c. 1970s - 1990s )